GNS3 And VmWare Part5: NX-OS 7k

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In this chapter (and accompanying video) I detail learn how to get Nexus-7k emulation running under GNS3. So, now, I'm running the Nexus-7k-Emulator in GNS3 and vmWare. And I'm beginning accumulate quite the "stack" of virtualized equipment. Such as: NX-OS, Arista-EOS, vIOS. Then there's the "common" Cisco hardware like: (IOS) C7200, C3725, C2800-X11's- (and many other). And I can hook all this to Nexus1000v in ESXi- And then there IS the main "ESXi-thing".

...I think I'm gonna need more RAM

Basically, that which you do we have found run the Nexus-7k emulator under vmWare Workstation, and now we create a product (using Workstation to take action) with the *.ovf-style. (The vmWare open-virtualization format.) And then we utilize THAT *.ovf to import the appliance into GNS3, whereby we might utilize GNS3 to be a finer networking simulation. This is getting so interesting, I definitely are able to see the need for more RAM.

"Hello, i'm michael duivis Steve, and I'm a Hardware-a-holic." ("...Hi Steve...")

Funny the way we try to "get away" from pure hardware dependency, by virtualizing infrastructure... yet we come full-circle so much that we end up DEMANDING more hardware anyway, to aid our new Hardware-Abstraction-Addiction, eh? (I don't mind.)

Titanium is not-quite a FULLY functional version of N7k, but... its certainly enough to start familiarizing together with the NX-OS. AND we can certainly network the emulation somewhat as well.

I'm unclear... exactly ...of how I'm going to accomplish virtual-port-channeling... (jointly with this N7k-emulation) ...but I've definitely got a couple-a ideas here, which can be brewing. Thangs that almost all people probably usually are not expecting (if you feel traditionally).

Trust me... I'm a scientist.

NX-OS Titanium was designed as being a purely Cisco-internal tool

But this was "leaked" into your "wild", many years ago.

Titanium can be an emulation with the Nexus 7000-series of data-center-switch. The syntax and general behavior of Titanium-NXOS, with the command-line, is fundamentally extra similar for the functional behavior on the full-grown N7k-beast.

From 16minutes to about 20minutes, I include some (boring) boot-up screen-cam with the N7k-vm startup.

In film (immediately below) I detail this process outlined within this chapter. The first a quarter-hour are directly relevant. Towards the end in the video, I just include "details" with the curious. From 16minutes to about 20minutes, I include some (boring) boot-up screen-cam in the N7k-vm startup. It's boring, so that you can skip ahead to your 20 minute mark or perhaps the very finale... The very end in the video is simply me adding several network devices and connecting these phones make a "Graphically Pleasing" end. But, just like soon as you've ADDED the N7k, to your "device list" of GNS3, this is complete.

AutomationDnD - N7k under GNS3 - on YouTube

GNS3 and VirtualBox

Any "wanna-be" systems admin/engineer, would peruse the valuables in this little N7k emulation gladly to "pick at it" to the hints and tidbits of information that might be gleaned. Much easier (and safer) to "familiarize" using a system that you will be free to "break", when you play with it's configuration.

By "breaking" things we figure out how to put them together... usually. (Sometimes.)

Hey- it is the way Physicists find out about the universe. "Smashing atoms", n' stuff.

Find Titanium - download it

Titanium was originally a device intended for "internal use" at Cisco Systems. Some geek-no-crat "Leaked" it out in to the internet wilds. And it is usually found having a little search-engine action.

It might be in the form of a compressed file, about 99-megs in space. So download it, unzip it, and save it in to a folder you may work with. Also, back it up or duplicate it in a or two other locations should you damage your original versions, or endure an irreparable virtual "machine" crash.

The files as unzipped, are essentially READY to open and run in vmWare workstation. You only need to locat the file with the extension of *.vmx - right click it, and open it with vmWare workstation.

You just must add a serial port and "pipe" against each other

Click thumbnail to examine full-size Now start the N7k-VM

After you've added a "named-pipe" / com-port serial connection for PUTTY, you're basically prepared to just start the VM. Standby to get a message which should be popping up.

It will look like this...

click on " I COPIED IT "

Then just get ready awaiting the login screen to pop-up. You may want to start your task manager only to monitor CPU activity and RAM usage. It can take several minutes just for this virtual machine to complete booting up. So have patience.

You may go ahead and commence up a session of PUTTY-terminal and still have it awaiting the pending connection on the VM. Then, just like soon as being a serial connection is established, you'll "see" warning signs of activity.. followed shortly by the login prompt.

The user ID and Password, respectively are: "admin" and "cisco".

Your PUTTY-terminal session connecting to your VM

Click thumbnail to look at full-size Now we develop a Virtual Appliance within vmWare

Once we've got verified that this VM basically operates correctly, you can use vmWare Workstation to produce a "Virtual Appliance". We'll to have to make it while using "Open Virtualization Format" (OVF).

Shut along the VM. Go to "File" and "Export to OVF" and look to a folder just to save the appliance to. Create the N7k appliance.

Go to "File" and "Export to OVF" -

how to fit windows 10After making the virtual appliance, it is possible to shut down vmWorkstation. We'll use VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is extremely closely integrated with GNS3. What we will work is use VBox to produce as many VM's once we wish to perform under GNS3. Later, we could invoke these VBox-Machines from GNS3.

Open VirtualBox.

Go to "FILE" and "IMPORT APPLIANCE"- browse for the OVF

Click thumbnail to watch full-size Create a named "PIPE" for serial connection in VBox

Click thumbnail to watch full-size The new VBox-VM needs to be READY TO RUN

Click thumbnail to watch full-size After testing the VBox machine, CLONE it

Now that you have established the right function in the VM, replicate it within VBox for as numerous instances in the VM as you would like to run upon GNS3. If you've a PC with 4 gigs of RAM you'll not be able running two installments of N7k with the very same time...

But you might like to configure different VERSIONS in the N7k-vm to help you experiment with settings. So, the "cloning" element of VBox is very good in that respect. Very handy.

Click thumbnail to watch full-size

Okay, you recognize the new N7k-vm works in VirtualBox.


The whole idea is to find this VM right into a system where you may network it easily. You CAN "network" it within vmWare Workstation. But the graphics are cludgy, and it's really "networking" doesn't parallel classic thinking coming from a "topological" standpoint. GNS3 inherently, tries harder to help keep the whole "feel" of networking "classic". Up to and including the "plugging in" of one's virtual cabling. The fundamental "graphics" exist.

AND the graphics from the network look nice too.


Click thumbnail to examine full-size Just when we did for ARISTA Switches in Part4, also with N7k-vm

Setting in the N7k is like the ARISTA switches. They both were VM's we run from VirtualBox.

Basically, when you've found / added your machine to GNS3 (through VBox Manager), you're now prepared to run it. This time you will NOT employ a named-pipe to console in the device. GNS3 will supply the console to connect to your N7k-vm. So, just go ahead and 'start' the device, then Right Click it and select "CONSOLE".

We're running the Nexus-7k-Emulator in GNS3 and vmWare: NX-OS, Arista-EOS, vIOS, C7200-IOS, C2800-X11's- all hooked to Nexus1000v in ESXi- ...I think I'm gonna need more RAM


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sendingamjad ali khan

DEAR sir are you able to please talk about the below error once i open console in gns3

This node has to be started before a console may be opened

Bryan Wu

Thanks you for detailed explanation. I followed your video and almost setup everything. Here is the problem, when I run "show interface brief" there isn't any ethernet interface by any means. All I have is mgmt0 interface. Have you met this matter before?


Hi Robo,

You probably flagged "connect in an existing socket/pipe" (sorry unclear if it is just like this cause my is at italian), much like the fact that film shows to "flag" "create pipe" on that section, but probably on newer version they changed this is of that flag. Just avoid it, and also the system can provide the pipe file while booting


Hi Steve,

Thanks to your video. I followed step-by-step procedure. When I Start the file in Virtual Box, I get one (NamedPipe#0 failed in order to connect to named pipe .pipeN7K-1 (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)

Can you please advise why I am getting this error. How can I remove it ?

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