How To Install DevCon Tool In Windows 10

In Microsoft Windows 10 also you can enable and disable several programs and application using command lines. But however its not all device is controlled from the command with the you’ve to utilize a third-party program like DEVCON.
In technical words, DevCon is usually a kind of device console is usually a command line tool that shows details specifics of devices inside computer running Windows. You can also use Devcon to set up, enable, disable, configure and take off devices.
How To Setup or Install DevCon in Windows 10
To get DevCon Windows you’ve to download Windows Developer Kit (WDK), Visual Studio and Windows SDK. For
additional information regarding gonna WDK Hardwares.
Step 1 :
Download and Install WDK in Windows 10 then also install Drivers Package in the WDK installation dictionary that consist all software’s components.
Note :
To use DevCon tool, the consumer must be an associate of the Administrators group around the test computer and run DevCon from an increasing command prompt.
Step 2 :
To open the raised command prompt, Create a new shortcut on windows desktop screen. Named the shortcut “Cmd.exe”. Then right-click for the shortcut and on the list select “Run as Administrator “.
Step 3 :
devcon.exe install c:toastertoastpkg.inf b85b7c50-6a01-11d2-b841-00c04fad5171mstoaster
After completing the final step, it is possible to run any command lines on elevated command prompt in Windows 10. In case you don’t know DevCon Command lines allow, disable, remove device or access configures. Visit DevCon Command List.
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